Bring Connections Academy to South Dakota
For many K–12 students, learning through an accredited online school is a great way to attend school from home. While South Dakota does not yet have an online public-school option, Connections Academy® is always working with state officials —and South Dakota families like yours—to bring one of our schools to your area.
Help us bring a Connections Academy online school to South Dakota by submitting your information below, then explore Pearson Online Academy, an online private school available in all 50 states.
Making the Grade: Why families are switching to Connections Academy
Fill out this form to declare your support for a South Dakota-based Connections Academy school and to receive updates on our efforts to bring an accredited and tuition-free online public school to your state.
Empowering K-12 Students
with Proven Virtual Education
Connections Academy will afford South Dakota families access to a public virtual school option with the following:
Our curriculum and instruction will meet state and national standards while integrating the best materials, texts, and resources available.
Experts in online learning and online learning protocols. Teachers will be state-certified and will be trained to excel in online teaching.
Each student has unique abilities and performs better when receiving individualized attention in a nurturing learning environment, and this will be a core concept at Connections Academy.
A parent, guardian, or other responsible adult will serve as their student’s Learning Coach, choosing to be closely involved in their child’s daily education and actively supporting and encouraging their child.
Career coaches will support school leaders and counselors to help students navigate all of the aspects of their College and Career preparation journey, including helping with pathway selection, identifying experiential opportunities most beneficial to students based on their interests and aptitude, and compiling portfolios (“Digital Backpacks”) that will set the students up for immediate success following graduation, whether enrolling in college, a trade school, or entering the job market.
Students will have access to various pathways that prepare them to earn industry certifications across several Career Clusters. Based on what we know to be high-demand jobs in growing industries, students will initially have access to courses leading to certification in the IT, Business, and Health clusters. Additional pathways will be added as industry data and student interest dictate.